
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Journey From Overwhelmed to Whelmed

The nation tied up in a threefold  crisis of leadership and a profound lack of moral clarity, the complications of keeping our program going in this financial and health crisis and the natural consequences of the battle between the  clock and the body will wear one out.

It is in such a time that accomplishments and successes take on a heightened importance. It is in such a time that the advice that I have given to scores of young people who find themselves nearly paralyzed by depression becomes even more important.

Get up. Get going. Move--and move in the sunshine.

I find myself bound tight, knowing that there is more to do than I am doing. And then I remind myself--just because you can't do everything does not mean that you cannot do anything.

So I am doing something. Scoundrel Days is a high percentage Grand Canyon stallion. He has been ridden in the past but is not even close to being green broke.

But he will be soon.

 Not long ago I rode his daughter from Queen Jane, Bella Note. It has been a decade since I felt such power in such a small package. She carries my 220 pound frame as if I weighed no more than  a bare back pad.

And Scoundrel will too. I am in my third day of training him to saddle and we spent a nice time riding in the round pen without incident this morning. He will become one of my main trail horses.

And it will not change the world. It will not provide a cure to the virus. It will not convert neo-nazis and Klansmen into decent people. It will not provide anyone a single job.

But it will be important. It will remind me of who I am. And the entire experience will be whelming.


Lothlorien Farm said...

Thank You! It was important for me to read this today.

Unknown said...

Thank you!! Yes, and we must keep ourselves healthy. Horses, sunshine, and success with horses sure helps. I look forward to seeing video of Scoundrel and you.