
Monday, August 5, 2013

The Cost of Inaction--Pass The Corolla Wild Horse Protection Act Now

The foal in this picture is not a wobbly colt trying to stand. It is a colt born with deformed legs that were so painful that it had to be put down. The same week that this foal was found another was found at Corolla abandoned by its mother. Genetic collapse is characterized by increases in birth defects, loss of instincts (such as maternal instincts) and eventually, sterility. There is no question that maintaining a herd at a limit of sixty will horses hasten complete genetic collapse and lead to the extinction of what is among the oldest and rarest distinct genetic grouping of American horse.

They do not just go gently in the night. Genetic collapse due to to much in breeding first brings on the agony of foals such as the two described above. That is not a matter of natural selection or letting nature take its course. It is suffering that humans create by artifically limiting herd size to numbers that absolutely insure their destruction.

The Corolla Wild Horse Protection Act is the only hope that these horses have of survival. The bill is simple. It sets a herd limit above 120 horses and it allows the introduction of two Shackleford mares into the herd. Any costs associated with the bill are not born by the taxpayer or any goverernmental bureacracy.

The bill sailed through the House and is awaiting assignment to a commitee in the Senate. The coalition of bureacrats and log rolling "conservation" groups that are seeking to erase the wild horse from the west have every incentive to fight this bill.

In life one is rarely confronted with such a simple decision. Which do you prefer, being part of a nation that works to produce more crippled foals like the one show above until the last breath of the last wild horse in Corolla is spent, or being part of a nation that through such simple steps continues to allow these horses to produce superstars like Tradewind who is shown in the picture above?

Each of you have two Senators. Contact them today and urge them to work to swiftly get the The Corolla Wild Horse Protetion Act approved.


Anonymous said...

Please folks, Don't let this one go by..there are two key groups opposed to this bill, one a Gov't bureucr$y, and the other a semi private lobbying group$$$ (unfortunately one I used to support) and they are not above sniping this critical bit of legislation..despite the fact that this little herd of horses has little to no impact on anything that affects their interests. I don't want to go into details simply for the reason that the actual data is available on the CWHF website, and it upsets me. And it's monday. Suffice it to say, that these are the same private ricebowl issues that are the same things that the general american public gripes about on a daily basis, with the same root causes..greed, and blinkered self interest. Now, These other two organizations have goals worthy of our support, but not at the annialation of such an important part of our am I, citizen of this country, supposed to feel about supporting their goals when "they" don't support mine? Well, the answer is, I am bigger than that, and I do see their side, and acknowledge that their view is important..sooo, where does that leave us?
With so much uncertainty facing our country today, with so many self absorbed factions involved, some of which do absolutely nothing to have a positive impact upon the status quo, I believe the answer is simple...It is time to put the "We The People" back into the U.S. of A. and stop acting like a bunch of spoiled toddlers..and this little bit of work is as good a place to start as any...WE must as a nation of Man
( I say man as the race of Man, not Men and Women.) as our immediate forefathers did, put our shoulders to the wheel and push together. Otherwise, as the Roman Empire, Ottomans, Greeks, Hittites, and ancient Babylonians did, we shall fall, as surely as these majestic creatures who were a major foundation block in building this country, will without our help. United we Stand, Divided, We Founder. (and If you want to ask how bad founder can be, go ask Tradewinds.)-Lloyd

Anonymous said...

It is always helpful to include the bill # (HR 126) so we can include that information when we contact our senators.

Deb in CA