
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

What Natural Horsemanship Can Teach America: You Do Not Have To Lose In Order For Me To Win

The older I get the less competition, in nearly any form, appeals to me. Competition gives us only three options--to win, to lose, or to tie. Were I to win, I would, by definition,  cause others to be losers. That does not appeal to me. Were I to lose, then in the eyes of the world, I would be a failure. That does not appeal to me. And were I to tie with my other competitors society would view the contest as being unsatisfying and incomplete.

Horse training that is not based on natural horsemanship is a grueling competition for domination over the horse. Natural horsemanship is not based in competition. It is based in communication.

When I fail to communicate precisely what I want the horse to understand, I have lost. When I fail to understand what the horse is attempting to  communicate to me, I have lost.

When the horse and I understand each other, we both have won.

I am perfectly happy using enough pressure to help the horse understand what I want done, but I will have lost if I use more pressure than necessary to communicate with the horse.

The lessons of the  round pen teach just how false the very concept of racial superiority is. White supremacy is a concept that can only take root among those who believe that in order for a white man to win, a black man must loose.

Or, in more accurate analysis, white supremacy  is a concept that can only take root and flourish among those who think that each victory for a black man is a loss for a white man. In short, it is a philosophy dependent on fear.

A world view of life as a competition and a struggle between you and me, us and them, our team and their team insures the development of a society  made up of winners and losers, rulers and ruled, and oppressors and oppressed.

When that view becomes internalized one can be assured that the result will be violence--in the home, on the streets, and between nations. When that view becomes internalized it is instinctive to shoot a fleeing suspect in the back.

...because if he got away he would have won, and nothing is more important to  those who internalize this view than winning. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your last sentence sure does explain "why". The fact that falling asleep in a car - rather than driving after drinking - was considered reason to kill someone? So there could be a "winner". We hear far too much about winners and losers right now. That mindset appears to be responsible for far too much abuse & death.
Well written, Steve
Thank you