In 2010 we will be back on track. Most importantly, the Corolla Off Site breeding program will be in full swing. This spring I plan to breed at least three pure Corolla mares to various pure Corolla stallions. The foals will be born in the spring of 2011.
If you are new to this blog and do not know about the program please get in touch with me at The Corollas are teetering on the brink of extinction. Less than 110 remain free in the wild and there are probably less than 50 pure Corollas that have been domesticated. The foals that we produce are the safety net to prevent the extinction of the best strain of horse that I have encountered.
The foals that I produce are priceless. For that reason they have no price. They are placed at no charge to those who are serious about participating in the breeding program over the long haul. With horses placed in Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maine we are off to a good start.
If you are interested in participating in this preservation effort I will be happy to discuss placing one of the upcoming foals with you. If you want to assist the Corollas in other ways, please become a member of the Corolla Wild Horse Fund. (Memberships make perfect Christmas gifts for the horse lover who has everything. For more information visit the Corolla Wild Horse Funds web site.)
We have three Corolla stallions and one Shackleford stallion available for breeding at no cost to any mare that is registered with the Horse of the Americas Registry.
The picture shown above is of Mokete, the first foal produced by the Off Site breeding program. Her owner is dedicated to the preservation of the Corolla Spanish mustangs and in a few years Mokete will be producing beautiful Corolla foals.
What mares Baton Rouge?,Secotan?, and???
Another Corolla mare of mine that you must not know about.
Nope. Steve
Who took that picture it is brilliant!
Happy Birthday!
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