It was a bit nippy yesterday at the Smithfield Christmas Parade. I think that it got up to about forty degrees. Judging from several of the pictures it seems that my belly, like water, expands when it gets cold.
We rode six Corollas, one Shackleford,one Chincoteague, a Paint,an HOA East/West cross,and several Chinco-stangs. Wendy lead her young filly, Mokete,the first pure Corolla foal born of the off site breeding program. My wife Beth lead our four year old grandson, Aiden, on Wind in His Hair and my five year old niece rode her mustang stallion, Spotted Fox, with my father walking along side. (We had four stallions in yesterday's group) Rebecca rode Manteo, our cold black Corolla stallion. It was her first ride since having Luke on Sept 11. KC, Carly, Rylee, Sarah Lin, Aiden, Emily, and Thomas all rode in their first parade yesterday. Several parents and my two newest riders walked along side of the rest of us.
Everyone did great but I think that Rylee, Lydia, Jacob,and Brenna were probably the proudest in our group, and for good reason. Each was riding their own horse, who they had trained, in its first parade.
Our Indian Horses, most of whom were born wild, and all of whom were trained by my little riders and me, took the noise and the fanfare wonderfully. They were great mustang ambassadors.
I was proud of several things yesterday, but what I liked best was the commute to and from the parade. We rode there through the woods and along side the road.
Our horses are tough and smart. So are my riders.
Mr. Edwards, I told Jemma to come look at how tall she looked in that picture holding the sign and she looked then said, "Oh, look at Mr. Edwards: he looked so cool and real, he was impressive out on that horse in front." Lydia very proudly told me that she helped paint you...: ) I wasn't there but was told that Becca, Lydia, and Jacob looked impressive as well. Great job inspiring all those people.
Everyone involved did a great job! After a very early morning 7 mile ride to the parade site,,, everyone patiently waited (and had fun), for the parade to start. Falling in line at our 70-something spot in line, horses, riders and 'side' participants performed wonderfully and had a great time!
It was a very good day!
Chief Makes Room was one of the younger horses at the parade. He and his rider Tamera did a great job. Both of them were new to this type of exposure, (a gazillion screaming firetrucks, marching bands, mutant minature horses, etc.).
I am very proud of both of them!
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