
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Boots on the Ground, Feet In The Stirrups

January brought us bad weather and limited riding--it also brought us objective numbers to crunch. To calculate rider hours we add the number of hours that each horse is ridden per month. For example, if A rides Tradewind two hours and B rides Holland five hours, that is seven total riding hours.

We kept rigid, contemporaneous records for January and during that month we rode....drum roll.....332 hours (three hundred thirty two hours)

( If you read that as 332 hours you read it correctly).

Many years ago I knew that Lido knew the person that operated a conventional boarding facility. I told him that he could let the manager of the facility know  that his people were free to bring their horses out and ride with us sometime.

Lido looked puzzled and told me that that would not do.

"Dey don't wide dey hosses. They bwush and wash dem is all."

We ride our horses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That would add up to approximately 664 hours of bwushing and washing...Lido had good sense. -Lloyd