
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Quick Tip #77--Passive Floating

Even though one may be paranoid, it is still possible that others seek to do one harm. Similarly, just because a given procedure or drug might be over prescribed does not mean that it is never needed.

Without a doubt floating of teeth is chronically over done in the modern horse world. However, some horses do have dental problems that need correcting. The idea of floating the teeth of horses with no problem on an annual basis is as absurd as it sounds. do not get sucked into that practice. But if one's horse needs treatment do not hesitate to have the teeth floated.

Even horses that need minor floating can often have the problem corrected by simply feeding them a small amount (less than a cup is safest)  of clean, hard, whole corn a few times a year. If the problem is thin, razor sharp hooks in the teeth the corn may very well remove these hooks as effective as floating.

If this solves the problem without resorting to having a horse sedated for floating one avoids the risks inherent in sedation.

Corn is a super calorie dense food. It should not be the basis of a horse's diet without a veterinarian's direction. Too much corn can lead, at best, to obesity and behavioral problems and, at worst, to founder, colic and death.

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