
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Qick Tip #62--Use of The Hoof Pick

Even if it is possible to sweep the sole of the hoof clean using one's hair, it is best to use the brush on back of the hoof pick.

My riders learn a lot more than how to sit on a horse. They learn natural horsemanship, natural horse care and natural hoof care. Several have turned into good farriers and pick up a bit of cash doing so professionally. Of my home grown farriers Emily is the best. (Jen is great but not homegrown. He went to professional school to learn hoof care and does spectacular work.) Her work is like art.

Always careful, conservative in how much is removed, and always having a solid plan in place before she begins to cut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like One Bull..methinks he is jealous of her mane..-Lloyd