
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

On Courage

Sarah Lin began to canter when she was either 5 or 6. I cannot remember which. She never showed any fear during our short bursts of cantering, even when she came perilously close to hitting the ground. None of my other very little riders had her confidence. I finally asked her why she was not afraid to canter.

She told me that she had begun to watch Scooby Doo on TV alone, with no adults in the room and it made her brave.

I am not sure that this technique would work for others, but I cannot argue with success.

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

At her age Sarah Lin has done things with horses that other people are afraid to even try. Every sunday she rides a "wild" stallion for hours. Sarah Lin has courage that not even I had when I began riding. She too understands what these horses mean so that is definately courage. Way to go Sarah Lin!!!