
Monday, February 18, 2013

I Make a Terrible Focus Group of One

But at least I know it. Just because something makes sense to me, or even seems obvious to me does not suggest that among the other 7 billion people on this planet there is another one that shares my point of view.

I have never sold any horse that I produced in the Corolla offsite breeding program. Instead I gave them to people that I trust to participate in the breeding program for years to come. I have kept breeding to a very conservative level in order to prevent being over run with Corollas. In fact, I often have an owner in mind before a mare is even bred.

The fact that I am so particular as to who I allow to have one of my foals is proof of their "value." That makes sense to me. It seems obvious to me.

Seems that I am in a minority on that point. It has been strongly suggested to me that people would "value" these foals more if I charged a significant amount for them. It seems that to many people the size of the check that they wrote is proof of the "value" of the horse.

I am advised that people would feel better about the importance of preventing the extinction of the Corollas if I charged $1,500.00 for a foal instead of giving them away.

So...Beginning with the foals born this summer I will begin to charge for what I have given away in the past.

The Colt above is The Black Drink, a Corolla from Tradewind and Baton Rouge. He is now the young stallion at Boys Home of Covington Virginia where I hope he will produce many foals for the offsite breeding program for years to come. Even if his sales price was $0.00.

(I should have been born some other kind of animal because humans make less and less sense to me as I get older).

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