
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wanted: Aging Ex-Hippies With Cash And Maybe a Bit of land

This is a personal note to all of you Woodstock attending, aging peaceniks with bulging bank accounts. I have seen how much money you are spending on the internet buying organic vegetables and free range meats. While supporting sustainable farming is a great thing, we both know that all of the chemicals that you put in your body during the third decade of your life makes living healthy during the seventh decade of your life a bit too little, too late.

You just can't eat enough free range chicken to make up for that all of that free range living that you were doing in the '60's.

However, although your body may be worn out and your mind fading rapidly, many of you have healthy investment portfolios. When you were young you believed in causes bigger than yourselves. You tried to make a better world, some of it worked, too much of it got stomped by rich people, but you aren't dead yet.

But let's be candid. You don't have all that much time left to make your mark on an evil, wasteful world that cares little about preservation, tradition, and sustainability. Here's your chance.

The Corollas are teetering on the brink of extinction. A handful of people are working to breed them domestically so that does not happen. A few acres of land, some good fencing and a life of total commitment is all it takes to be part of this effort. This not only is not a get rich quick scheme, I can nearly promise significant financial sacrifice as part of the reward for becoming a Corolla breeder.

So focus here for a minute. When you were a kid you dreamed of giving your grandchildren a world of peace and tranquility. Look around. We blew that one.

But you can at least give your great grandchildren a world with some first rate Colonial Spanish mustangs to ride and cherish.

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