It is spring. The clover is up. The sun is shining and this is a great time to begin a program to make you into a better rider. do something good for your heart, your horse, and your health.
The best exercise for a rider is riding. However, before one can ride efficiently and comfortably for the horse one must acquire adequate core strength, balance, and a level of cardiovascular fitness.
Do a bit of reading on the Tabata Protocol. I know of no way to develop one's cardiovascular fitness more efficiently than using this technique. A kettle bell workout does wonders for the core and improves balance. Lastly, barefoot running uses the muscles that one rides with much better than running in shoes. Tabata can be incorporated into barefoot running.
Combined trotting and cantering for 1/2, hour five days per week is a very effective way to loose weight.
You will find that your horse enjoys being ridden by a fit rider much more than he enjoys a rider that is out of position because they are out of condition.
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