
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Put Your Mouth Where Their Money Is

If you oppose horse slaughter and belong to a horse breed registry it might be worth your time to find out that registry's position on horse slaughter. In doing so you may have to weed through a lot of double talk (e.g. we do not support horse slaughter we just think that the legislation to ban it is unnecessary blah, blah, blah) to get an answer. Find out if they are doing anything with your money to end horse slaughter or if your dues are helping to fund high paid lobbyists who are paid to keep horse slaughter alive.

If your registry's hands are covered with horse blood get out of that registry and get out of it loudly. Don't just fail to renew your membership. Send letters to the board of directors with a copy to every member that you know explaining that you refuse to belong to an organization that supports the slaughter of horses. Do not participate in registry sanctioned events if that registry wants to deal with unwanted horses by wanting to cut their throats. Encourage open events, (shows, trail rides, etc) to ban members of those registries from participating. Loudly boycott events that refuse to do so. Advise your local horse and pony club leaders as to which registries oppose slaughter and which do not. If you have ribbons or trophies from registries that, in the most Orwellian of terms, support horse slaughter as being 'humane', return those trophies and ribbons to those registries. You would not decorate your stable or your bedroom with horse blood, so why would you want to decorate them with commendations from those who support the continued spilling of that blood?

Lastly, do not fall into the silly trap of responding to the "if we don't kill 'em something bad might happen to 'em" argument of these registries.

Let those registries put their money into programs that draw new riders and owners into the horse world. Let them work on programs that help reduce impediments to horse ownership.

Let them remember what it is like to actually care more about horses and kids than money.


MorganG said...

Bless you Steve I like what you have to say. Keep saying it LOUDLY

Anonymous said...

Thank you for defending our horses, I am with you 100%. Consider me an avid boycotter of anything pro-slaughter. I believe boycotting is an excellent method to get the point across.

Anonymous said...

There never has, and there never will be, a single good reason to support the slaughter of horses. Thank you for promoting what responsible breed registries SHOULD be doing.

catherine ritlaw said...

I absolutely agree with you. There can be no fence-sitting on the issue of whether or not torturing horses to death should be allowed.
Cathy Ritlaw

Anonymous said...

For every action there is a reaction. According to the law of karma, if we cause pain and suffering to other living beings, we must endure pain and suffering in return, both individually and collectively. We reap what we sow, in this life and the next, for nature has her own justice.
No one can escape the law of karma.

Christie said...

I agree Steve. I am tired of the animals suffering due to the irresponsibility and greed of humans---whether it be due to "backyard" breeders or organized associations. We, as a whole, are not good stewards of those in our care and it is not just the horses. Dogs, cats and even "our" children face fates that no one should in a country with our resources. We must advocate for those who can't advocate for themselves!

Anonymous said...

Urge your legislators to support the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (S. 1176/H.R.2966) to end the export and inhumane killing of American horses for human consumption across our borders while continuing to prohibit horse slaughter in the U.S.

In Virginia: Senator Mark Warner, 101 W. Main St., Ste 4900, Norfolk, VA 23510, 757-441-3079; Senator Jim Webb, 222 Central Park Ave., Ste 120, Virginia Beach, VA 23462, 757-518-1674; Representative Bobby Scott, 2600 Washington Ave., Ste 1010, Newport News, VA 23607, 757-380-1000.

Also, you can find them on-line and e-mail them. They do respond!