
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

And the Winner Is

The Horse of the Americas Registry held its national meeting last weekend in Missouri. Three of my riders, Jacob, Amanda, and Sarah Lin each received the Buckaroo Award in recognition for the the number of hours they spent riding an HOA horse over the past year. Each participated in the September Big Ride. Jacob and Amanda rode 50 miles on Saturday and 25 miles on Sunday. Sarah Lin, age 9, rode 38 miles on Saturday.

The 2008 Pleasure Trail Horse of the Year is......Uncle Harley, owned and trained by Jacob. Jacob won this talented young horse in an HOA essay contest the previous year. At the time Harley was smart, gentle and athletic, but not trained to ride. Jacob and Brent took care of the last part. Most satisfying to me is Harley's lineage. Several year's ago, Tom Norush, a far sighted equine preservationist from the mid west realized that he could produce super horses by crossing western mustangs with those from the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Harley's roots trace back to that breeding program. The HOA Pleasure Trail Horse of the Year traces his roots back to the sandy beaches of Corolla.

Sarah Lin gained her award for the many hours that she spent riding two formerly wild Corolla Spanish mustangs, Porter and Croatoan. Amanda, who is not featured in a picture above, will soon be the subject of a special post on her success with her wild Corolla, Secotan.

My riders were recognized with this honor not because their parents purchased them a show horse and hired a trainer for both horse and child, but instead they were recognized because they worked long hours to become proficient horseman. Harley was recognized because he is a super horse, but Jacob's work made him shine. I am so proud of my riders this morning.

The Carol Stone Ambassador Award, which recognizes those who have done the most annually to promote, preserve, and protect the Colonial Spanish Horses, of which the Corollas are but one strain, was awarded to our program for 2008. This award is made possible not only by my riders but also by their family members who worked to assist in maintenance and improvement of our pastures, helped haul our horses to various events, and encouraged their kids to work hard for the horses.

I love team work.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing to read first thing in the morning!!! (I know I have tears in my eyes.)

Congradulations to all and 'thank you' Steve for giving everyone the opportunity to be a part of this program!

(Jacob's mom)

Heather said...

That is GREAT!!! Congratulations Jacob, Amanda, and Sarah Lin!

Steve thank you so much for your long hours and hard work with the horses and the children. We are blessed to be able to be part of such a wonderful program. Thank You!

Priscilla said...

Good for them!!
I ride Cricket whenever I get the chance, I don't have LOADS of trail miles, but I have lots of miles in the pen/pasture. I can't trail ride on my own, which is actually kind of a good idea.. :)

Anonymous said...

Steve,,,, this is BIG !
We are a great team and have so much to be proud of.

I can hear what some of us are saying:
"high five"
"cool beans"

Anonymous said...

What an honor. Isn't it nice that, on occassion, you can reap an award for all of your hard work!?! It does pay off.

Well done.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you Steve! And congratulations to Harley!

(Amanda's mom)