
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First They Learn to Love the Horses

On July 8 we packed up several horses and took them to North Carolina for taming demonstrations at Wild Horse Days. Emily and Mikhail were standing on the side of the trailer looking in on the stallions that we were taking. Emily is my niece and Mikhail is the brother of Amanda, one of my riders.

Both have spent countless hours in the horse lot. Emily recently had her first independent ride in the woods. I expect that by next summer Mikhail will be riding in the woods too.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really like that photo! It describes so much of what we do, and our attitude toward the horses. It also captures our style.
How many other people will allow kids that small to ride indepen dently in the woods? How many other people will allow kids that little near wild stallions? How many other people will allow kids that small run around barefoot at a horse ranch where most if not all the horses were once wild? How many kids that small have horses? and last but not least, how many kids that small want a wild mustang to ride ????
