
Saturday, January 25, 2020

In Just One Week.....

We had additional Spanish goats born....

Boy Scouts and program participant and a few other volunteers cleared several acres of Jacob's Woods as we convert it to silvopasture.

We brought home two yearling Leicester ewes to go with our Hog Island Ram, Lincoln.

Arlo, our buff orpington drake. is no longer alone. Ella put an Indian Runner hen in with him.

Galen is taking her riding to the next level.....

And Pam worked hours on the record keeping and registration of horses in our program...and Brooke set up a very productive meeting with officials from our local school board to develop programs with their agriculture students...and, we got some great news on a grant proposal submitted last fall...and we developed two new vermicomposting sites using night crawlers instead of red wigglers...and Wendell developed what he termed a "free range" worm operation using "wild" worms, manure, and low spots on the soil,... and I was accepted in the Virginia Master Naturalist Program,... and I spent half of a day showing our regenerative agriculture programs to a young lady who will soon have her own pasture program to manage...and.....

Terry has been back to the horse lot and will be in the saddle very, very soon!

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