
Monday, July 19, 2010

Changing Goals

This is a picture of my original Indian Horse herd from years ago. At the time my goal was to preserve and cross various lines of American Indian Horses and to use the horses to teach history and natural horsemanship. These crosses produced some spectacular horses, Young Joseph, One Bull, Washikie, Curly and others too numerous to list.

In recent years our focus has shifted to promoting and preserving the wild horses of Corolla. It is a rare thing for me to ride a modern horse. Comet, an Appaloosa/Arabian, is the only one that I ride with any regularity. The rest of the time I sit astride wild Corollas, Shacklefords, and my SMR stallion Ta Sunka Witco. In order to make room for more Corollas and Shacklefords I am about to offer for sale a half dozen or more of my non Corolla and 1/2 Corolla stock.

My horses are only sold either to participants in my programs or to adherents of natural horsemanship. That policy is one that we will always maintain.

Promoting natural horsemanship, natural horse care, and natural hoof care are goals that we will never change.

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