
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Better Horse Than I Deserve


In my writings, clinics, and training programs I stress the importance of spending hours on end just being with one's horse in the pasture. Those hours were the key to gaining the trust not only of my wild mustangs but also of rough young domestic horses like Comet. The unfortunate truth is that I do not have as much time as I once did to simply stand beside my horses and rub their necks as they graze.

Ta Sunka Witco has received nearly no such attention, yet I suspect that I have ridden him in the woods around 1000 miles and he has rarely done anythng but exactly what I have asked of him. Over downed trees, over ditches, through swamps, picking our way through cut over, he has always been willing. He is never difficult to catch and is perfectly reliable cantering down woods paths in pitch darkness.

I plan to start giving him more contact time and stregthen our bond. That bond is already pretty strong and I can claim no credit for that. His first colts will be coming this spring and I hope that each will be at least half the horse that he is.

My next goal for him is to ride him 150 miles in less than 72 hours.
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virginagirl said...

Ceaser Milan says that one of the best things a person can do for their relationship with their dog is to "go on patrol" (i.e. a purposeful walk or run) for at least 30 min. a day. I wonder how this concept carries over to horses. I do know that when our horses were living in the huge woods pasture we had in Alaska, they would go on long walks together around the perimeter on a regular basis. This practice has to have some sort of positve effect on the herd bond, even if that's not the main purpose of the behavior.

Priscilla said...

I agree with Emily.
That horse is a good lookin' guy! :)

KC Rodebush said...

that picture is really cool,