
Friday, January 14, 2022

Am I TooTall? Too Heavy? Too Old? Too Young? ...For A Colonial Spanish Horse?

If the answer that you are hoping for is "yes", then you will easily find a slew of devotees of the established horse world spewing forth a collection of formulas, percentages, and rules "that every serious horse person knows" who will certainly give you that "yes."

The pool gets smaller when we eliminate from the calculation all the experts who feel comfortable making a ruling on these questions but have never seen a Colonial Spanish horse. The number of these experts who have actually ridden a Colonial Spanish horse gets even smaller. Spokesman for the established horse world who have ridden Colonial Spanish horses for decades and have chalked several thousand miles on these horses are even harder to find.

The way to test any proposition is to experiment. Those experiments were done on a daily basis when the Colonial Spanish horse was the only horse in America. The horses have stood the test of time. 

The only opinion that is based in reality concerning what these horses can do is the opinion of those who speak from years of experience doing those "experiments" without having ever thought of themselves as scientists. I am happy to discuss the carrying capacity, endurance, temperament, and over all fitness of these horses with any of their critics, provided that such discussion occurs at the conclusion of a fifty-mile ride through the woods on them. 

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