
Saturday, July 4, 2015

She Got On With Confidence

Elise got on Scoundrel Days yesterday. As I understand his history, about six years ago he had a rider on him and was lead around a bit. Yesterday we took this beautiful stallion through an entire round pen circuit and despooked him with our regular monsters. Then he took a saddle fine and we despooked him while wearing a saddle.

Elise lunged him under saddle and we had him canter in the round pen wearing a saddle. He did not buck, nor did he resist being saddled.

We worked on mounting him step by step. He only gave into fear once.

Elise never did.

She got on him and I lead him around. He walked around with confidence. That confidence was a great gift that Elise gave him yesterday. It will make the rest of his training much easier.

And yes, she will ride him in the woods before the corn is picked.

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