
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Don't Fool Yourself

Given enough time I will find something to be concerned about. I have gotten very much out of shape and have put on a bit of weight. I used a weight tape to record my horses' weight as we enter winter.

I cannot say for certain what caused such silliness but I looked at their weights and my weight and the ridiculous formulas for calculating a horse's weight carrying capacity began to shoot through my mind. I allowed myself to wonder if I was too heavy for some of my smaller horses.

Over the past year Tradewind has not been ridden as hard as he once was. In 2011 I rode him 206 hours in the woods, the vast majority of time while trotting.

I got on him this morning and we hit the woods. He took off at a brisk trot without me asking him to do so and cantered a bit, again without me asking him to. Within a half a mile I felt foolish for ever letting any formulas or rules of the established horse world cloud my sight of what was real.

Even though he has not been ridden but a few times a month for the past year he carried me as if there was nothing on his back. I had forgotten the pleasure of zipping through the woods with him.

And for everyone who wonders how big their Corolla colt will grow up to be the answer is always the same.

How big will he be?

Big enough.

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