
Monday, March 4, 2013

Why All of The Reruns?

Several months ago I started reposting posts from the past. These are not randomly chosen. My stats page shows me which posts are hit each day. I am always curious when I see a post from a few years ago coming from nowhere and getting several hits. I started out just reposting those that seemed to have attracted special interest for some unknown reason. Then I started reposting posts that I liked for one reason or another.

The funny part is that I see the search terms that people use to find our blog. I have been perplexed as to why a rather ordinary post "A Great Trail Horse" has received so many hits. The question was answered when I saw search terms about cruel pony rides. I hypothesize that some one, or some group, feels that allowing a horse to have a challenging physical ride is cruel and somewhere out there in computer land there are members of the established horse world trying to wring their hands and wag their fingers at the same time. Saturday we returned from an intense ride in mostly submerged cut over and I told the riders about these search terms. Most laughed at the idea that anyone would consider such rides cruel. A few recognized that it was not really a laughing matter.

Every day horses are being loved to death by thosee that think that they are being good responsible owners when they keep their horses over weight, under exercised and shut up in warm cozy stables. Those owners would never consider taking their horses on the challenging rides that are so routine to us that we do not even question whether our horses can make the trip.

In the wild these horses walked marsh, muck and mire. They navigated fallen trees and they pushed on through deep sand. Allowing them to relive those experiences is neither cruel or a threat to their health.

It is merely an effort to let a horse be a horse. Horses can be happy when they are allowed to be horses. Horses that are made to live as fat lap dogs find health and happiness to be very elusive.

But back to the central point, to avoid confusion I will try to clearly mark which posts are re runs.

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