
Sunday, January 13, 2013

I Love My Flu

I know that the flu has a very well deserved bad reputation. I understand that the epidemic just after World War I killed more Americans than did the war, but I love my flu.

It is the perfect vacation without having to go anywhere.

I enjoy being so sick that I really can't be working. Otherwise I feel like there are things to do that I should be working on. Today I could not even feed up.

Beth and Terry and some others that had come out to ride fed up and watered everyone. They even went out and picked up a round bale for the old stallions.

I have slept five hours today and am now doing one of my favorite things, watching a series of serious musicians on the computer. I just found Johnny Cash's last appearance at The Carter Fold. Relaxing--watching A.P. Carter's daughter, Jeanette, introduce Johnny Cash.

Now that is a great way to spend vacation.

Just another one of those times when things get better by getting worse.

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