
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Working Class Horses


The greatest sin of the established horse world is to create a system of horse care that is beyond the economic means of working families. Natural horse care is a humane, enlightened approach to horsemanship that is as significant for the happiness of a horse as is natural horsemanship. The principle is so simple that it should be obvious. Horses evolved as grazing prey animals whose life was driven by a basic desire to eat, drink, reproduce, move freely and avoid predators.

The key starting point is to recognize that the point is not that horses can "get by" without stables, supplements, blankets, and shoes. Step one is to recognize that the first step towards producing healthy, happy horses is to recognize that many of these "necessities" are obstacles to that goal.

If one is thinking about purchasing a horse for the first time, first go purchase Joe Camp's great book, "The Soul of a Horse." It opens the door. If you care about horses walk through that door. And take someone else along with you.
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1 comment:

Priscilla said...

The man in the picture looks like a very natural rider. He's sitting on his pockets and the horse is calm. :)