Monday, February 23, 2009

We Are Always Here to Help

With so many mustang owners participating in English show events tremendous confusion has reigned as members of the English Horse Show World have been working diligently to come up with some easily observable criteria to distinguish 13.2 mustangs from 17 h Warm bloods. How indeed will the average spectator be able to tell the Holsteiner from the Huesteca?

Toward that end, I offer the following key differences between BLM mustangs and European Warm bloods with the hope that these points of comparison will lessen the confusion that currently plagues the show world of those who wear the little brown britches.

Warm bloods listen to Grand Opera.
My mustangs listen to the Grand Ole' Opry.

Warm Bloods vote a straight Republican ticket, though they claim to be independents.
My mustangs are Democrats, but 12% of them forgot to vote in the last election.

Warm Bloods are generally Episcopalians.
My mustangs are back sliding Pentecostals.

My mustangs are, in reality, large ponies.
Warm Bloods are, in reality, small giraffes.

Warm Bloods are often exhibited in the discipline of dressage.
My mustangs often exhibit no discipline at all.

Warm Bloods have been line bred,and closely bred, by sophisticated breeders.
My mustangs have been in bred, by necessity.

If, after closely examining the horse in question based on the specific criteria set out above, one still cannot determine if it is a Warm Blood or a mustang. A final distinguishing line can be drawn using more traditional measures. For example, if the horse is lame, obese, and carries the sweet, calm disposition of a Thoroughbred, coupled with the speed, and gracefulness of a plow horse, that one is not the mustang.

Sure hope this helps.


  1. This has been a question that has haunted me for many nights. If the mustangs are not warm-blooded, are they cold or hot-blooded?

  2. Like John Wayne, mustangs are simply red blooded

  3. You are defiantly a man of words and "wide open" must i say
    I bet you have some tongues poking back at you :)

  4. Yep, alot of tongues are stuck out at him! :)

    In the picture Honey girl was eating, food that was not hers, and I took the bowl from her. So she stuck out her tongue. I don't know if she was angry but she proceeded to swing her hind quarters to me with a snort??? :)

  5. Priceless Picture :)

  6. HAHAHAHAHA Oh my G! How Perfect! ROFLMAO

    Thanks for the GUT LAUGH! Oh and how so TRUE!

    ;) S

  7. Wonderful and right on. Steve, you rule!
